Jason Shearer


Passion for Adventure, Team Building, and Coaching

Whether it is delivering an update for the latest technology release or teaching a 101 clinic for bikepacking novices, my motivation is to develop a team culture that focuses on combining talents to achieve a common goal. Encouraging the members of a group to contribute their unique skillsets can create a team dynamic that inspires a community or organization-wide conversation. 


"Life is not a problem to be solved but an adventure to be lived."

-John Eldredge



Things I Like

  • Adventure by bike

  • Inspiring others to get outside

  • Traveling with my family

  • Cooking healthy and delicious meals

  • Thirsty for knowledge

  • Working with my hands

  • Group process leadership

  • Organizational tools and frameworks

  • Continuous improvement and iteration

  • Always reading/writing

  • Speaking in large groups

  • Sharing knowledge


Core Strengths

  • Understanding cultural dynamics in a global role

  • Building strong communities in business and life

  • Recognition of the team is most important

  • Leading diverse teams to solve big problems

  • Always an entrepreneur – find a need, gain support, build it

  • Quickly adapting to change – agile/lean everything



Things I Want to Do

  • Continue building my coaching and race promoting business with my wife.

  • Gain more backcounty experience.  Because it is fun and experience shapes us.

  • Find new paths at Cisco that inspires that will use my skills, desires and talents to their fullest.


"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."

-Edward Abbey